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Being True to Myself

It’s really hard to be true to who we really are. Things like social media and friendship circles constantly create pressure to be someone we are not. We are always made to feel like we are too different to fit in or need to change to be accepted by others.

It sounds clichĂ©, but these differences are what make you, you! To be true to yourself, you can start by accepting these differences, owning them and using them to your advantage. Think about how boring the world would be if everyone was the same. We need differences.

That said, remaining true to yourself is a lot easier said than done. You might be feeling pressured to conform to a new friend group, or just don’t feel as if you fit in with those around you, and the trend to just ‘be like everyone else’ can make anyone feel like an outsider.

A good way of being true to yourself is to surround yourself with others who do the same. Social pressure can be subtle, but it has enormous impacts on how we see ourselves. Being around people who can embrace the parts of us we think are silly, uncool or even just out of the ordinary, goes an enormous way to helping us accept ourselves. It may take time to find these people, but once you do, you'll realise the unique qualities you have become the reasons they love you.

Sometimes, we don’t actually know or recognise that we aren’t being true to ourselves. Hiding parts of yourself can make you feel as if you’re living a lie. If these parts have been hidden for a long time, it can be stressful and confusing.

We learn to compare ourselves with others, with their accomplishments, what they do and how they look – it’s normal to want to be like everyone else. People-pleasing is an extremely common way to try and fit in. Sadly, pleasing others can be the very thing that stops us from being true to who we are. .

Being true to ourselves means being able to be honest about our opinions, feelings, and needs – we should never feel ashamed to voice our thoughts to those around us (as long as those opinions don’t unnecessarily hurt anyone else). Trust yourself and begin to embrace the things that make you an individual. Remember, if the people around you don't accept you for who you are, then they're not the right people to be around. Don't live to exist, exist to live!

Change your perspective and uncover a way forward for you!

Here are some things that can help you with that.



Fire Keeper's Daughter by Angeline Bouley
Daunis Fontaine has never quite fit in, both in her hometown and on the nearby Ojibwe reservation. Daunis has big dreams but she has puts her future on hold to care for her fragile mother.

Just As You Are by Michelle Skeen and Kelly Skeen
A practical guide to silencing your nit-picky inner critic, cultivating self-compassion, and discovering who you want to be.

The Self-Love Experiment by Shannon Kaiser
Shannon Kaiser walks you through her own personal experiment, a simple plan that compassionately guides you through the process of removing fear-based thoughts, so you can fall in love with life.


Eigth Grade
Kayla Day, is in the eighth grade. She is introverted but also posts videos about self-confidence online. Soon, she realises she is not the person she is pretending to be and has to accept that.

Men, Women, Children
The excessive use of the internet affects a group of teenagers and their parents as they try dealing with their relationships and self-image issues.

Jeff, Who Lives at Home
Jeff is 30, unemployed and desperately looking for a sign that will lead him to his destiny. One day, a wrong number leads Jeff on a series of misadventures that help him find what he is looking for.


The first step to being true to yourself is accepting yourself

Places to find more resources

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